

	import { Popover } from 'svelte-smooth-popover';

	Hover me
		<div>Popover content</div>


 * The alignment relative to the popover
export let align: Alignment = 'bottom-center';

 * The alignment relative to the anchor
export let alignAnchor: Alignment | 'auto' = 'auto';

 * Offset to apply to the popover relative to the anchor
export let offset = 5;

 * Target width of the caret
export let caretWidth = 15;

 * Target height of the caret. Default: offset - 2px
export let caretHeight: number | null = null;

export let caretBg = 'white';

export let caretCurveAmount = 0;

export let caretCurveTopAngle = -15;
export let caretCurveTopStrength = 0.3333;

export let caretCurveBottomAngle = 15;
export let caretCurveBottomStrength = 0.6666;

export let forcePosition: { x: 0; y: 0 } | null = null;

 * Show the popover on hover?
export let showOnHover = false;

 * Should the popover hide when the user clicks outside of the popover or anchor?
export let hideOnExternalClick = false;

 * Show the popover on anchor click?
export let showOnClick = false;

 * Basic {#if} to show/hide the popover
export let open = true;

 * Svelte transtion to use when showing/hiding the popover
export let transition: any = null;

 * Should the popover react to css animations/transitions?
 * If enabled, the popover will register an Animation frame loop to check for changes in size or position. This may add some additional overhead.
export let watchAnimations = false;

 * Should the popover move to stay within the window bounds?
export let constrainToWindow = true;

 * Should the popover avoid overlapping the anchor?
export let avoidOverlap = true;

 * Elements that the popover should try and not overlap
export let collideWith: (HTMLElement | null)[] = [];

 * Should the caret "submerge" (hide) when it nears a corner?
export let caretSubmerge = false;

 * Number of steps to take around corners. Increase/decrease this if you notice cracks between the caret and the popover
export let caretResolution = 0;

 * Set this to the border-radius of the main popover background element.
 * This is used to calculate positioning and clipping for the caret around corners.
export let borderRadius = 6.75;

 * Distance to maintain from the edge of the window
export let windowMargin = 10;

 * Override the z-index of the popover
 * Note: You can also apply a custom z-index globally by setting the `--popover-z-index` css variable in :root {}
 * e.g.
 * ```css
 * :root {
 * 	--popover-z-index: 1000;
 * }
 * ```
export let zIndex = '';